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White-handed gibbon

kart gibbon
white handed gibbon

White-handed gibbon

The white-handed gibbon (Hylobates lar) is a species of gibbon found in tropical forests in Southeast Asia, particularly in countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Burma. They are known for their long arms and quick, swinging movements through the trees, a behavior called "brachiation." This is a form of movement in which they use their arms to swing from branch to branch, and it is one of the most impressive traits of gibbons.

White-handed gibbons have a distinctive appearance with dark fur on their bodies and lighter, almost white hands and feet, hence the name "white-handed." They also have a white ring around their face, giving them a characteristic look. The fur color can vary slightly, but it is generally dark on the body with lighter areas around the face and on the hands.

They are relatively small primates, with a body length of about 42-59 cm and a width of about 15-22 cm. They weigh between 4.4 and 7.6 kg.


White-handed gibbons typically live in monogamous pairs, with the pair staying together for long periods – often for life. They are territorial and mark their area with loud vocalizations, especially the characteristic song for which gibbons are known. Each morning, the pair sings together, and their songs can be heard several kilometers away. The song serves multiple purposes, including marking territory and strengthening the bond between the partners.

Diet: They are primarily frugivores, meaning they mainly eat fruit, but they can also consume leaves and flowers. They are adapted to life in the trees, and their diet is easily accessible in the forest floor and upper layers of the forest. Another fascinating trait of white-handed gibbons is their ability to navigate through trees. Their long arms make them extremely skilled at swinging from branch to branch in an almost fluid pattern, which is both efficient and impressive to watch. This makes them some of the most agile and adaptable primates when it comes to life in the treetops.

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White-handed gibbon at Tangen zoo

At Tangen Dyrepark, we have two white-handed gibbons, Amadeus and Ebba. Amadeus was born in 1994 at what was then Klæbu Dyrepark. Shortly after his birth, his mother passed away, and the zoo's owners decided to take him in and raise him in their own home. This way, Amadeus grew up among the family of the zoo's owners, which gave him a similar upbringing to Julius in Kristiansand. In 2001, Amadeus moved to Tangen Dyrepark, where he has been ever since.

In the summer of 2003, Ebba arrived at the park and was introduced to Amadeus in the hope that they would form a close bond. Unfortunately, things have not turned out as expected. Although they enjoy each other's company, Amadeus is more interested in humans than in Ebba. This may be because he grew up surrounded by humans, and as a result, he missed out on much of the crucial socialization he would have received by growing up with other gibbons.

Did you know?



Hvithåndsgibboner er utrolig raske og smidige! De bruker en bevegelsesform kalt brachiation, der de svinger seg fra gren til gren i opptil 55 km/t og kan ta opptil 10 meter lange svev!


Vokale eksperter

De synger høye og melodiske sanger for å markere territoriet og styrke båndet med partneren sin. Disse sangene kan høres flere kilometer unna i jungelen!


Små aper, store armer

De er en del av primatfamilien hylobatidae og har svært lange armer i forhold til kroppen. De kan gå oppreist på bakken, men foretrekker å svinge seg i trærne.

Status: Endangered
Last assessed: November 22, 2018

Gibbons, including white-handed gibbons, are threatened by several factors. They are sometimes hunted for their meat, and in some cases, a parent is killed to capture young gibbons for sale as pets. However, the most significant threat is the loss of their natural habitat. The gibbons' habitats are under immense pressure due to widespread deforestation for road construction, as well as for agriculture, eco-tourism, and the expansion of livestock herds and elephant populations. In addition, forest fires, illegal logging, the establishment of new settlements, and the expansion of palm oil plantations contribute to further destruction of their living environment.

IUCN- Red list

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BALAI - Approved park

BALAI accreditation is governed by the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. This approval opens the doors to take part in conservation projects of endangered species. It implies that the park has good health and high animal welfare. We have now become part of the international network and this allows us to send and receive animals from other BALAI - approved parks.


62 57 69 50

Kolomoen 904, 2337 TANGEN

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Do you want to become a sponsor? When buying a wristband NOK 50, - or any selected amount, you help us improve the park. All money given to the park is spent directly on the animals for new toys and betterment of enclosures. We greatly appreciate all contributions.

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