We are happy to announce that Niño the serval will find sanctuary in Tangen
It is our belief that, apart from the domestic cat, no felids should be kept by private
individuals or be subjected to the pet trade, which has detrimental consequences on ecosystems and on individual animals. However, we also believe that the individual animals who are the victims of illegal wildlife trade have the right to sanctuary, and it is our duty to ensure these animals’ mental and physical welfare.
We at Tangen Dyrepark are therefore excited to offer a safe habitat for Niño. We
hope that he will be happy here, and that he can help raise awareness that our
actions affect wildlife and vulnerable ecosystems and that we all have a
responsibility to ensure the welfare of animals. Ensuring that Niño’s individual and
species-specific needs are fulfilled will require a lot of effort, time, and resources.
If you wish to contribute to Tangen Dyrepark’s mission to help animals like Niño and
many others by providing sanctuary and education, please CLICK HERE
We would like to thank everyone who helped safeguard Niño. More updates will
follow soon.
The Serval: Nature’s Elegant Hunter
The Serval, with its slender and elegant appearance, is one of Africa’s most fascinating wild cats. With its long legs and large, pointed ears, it is perfectly adapted to its life in the open grasslands and wetlands. Known for its ability to jump up to three meters in height, this animal is a skilled hunter that feeds mainly on small rodents and birds.
A Master of the Hunt
The serval uses its excellent hearing to locate prey, and it has a unique hunting style in which it sits still, listens carefully, and then executes a quick and precise leap to catch its prey. This impressive technique makes the serval one of nature’s most efficient hunters. It can also catch several prey at a time, which is crucial for its survival.
Social Habits and Habitat
Servals are solitary by nature, and they mark their territory with scent to keep other individuals away. They thrive in areas with tall grass, where they can hide from both prey and predators. This cat is most active at night, when it uses its excellent night vision to navigate in the dark.
Conservation and Challenges
Although not critically endangered, the serval faces several threats such as habitat destruction and poaching. Increasing urbanization and agriculture are causing their natural habitats to disappear. Preserving the serval and its habitat is crucial to ensuring that this amazing species continues to exist for future generations.
An Inspiration for Everyone
The serval is not only a symbol of strength and agility, but also an important. member of its ecosystem. It helps control the population of small rodents, which maintains the balance of nature. Learning about the serval and its life is a reminder of the importance of protecting our wildlife and their natural habitat.
